Archive for Featured – Page 2

Get the FAQs: How I Choose Fragrances

In a couple weeks I’ll be celebrating my second anniversary as Sheila Sacks Designs, but I’ve been dabbling in soaps for quite a few years now. A question I am often asked at shows relates to how I come up with my seasonal and limited edition fragrance collections. Truth be told, I have around 100 fragrance and essential oils in my current inventory, and the variety is ever evolving. So how do I manage to narrow it down to only one or two dozen scents?

Trial and Beautifully Scented Error

Let me share a secret with you… I cannot handle strong fragrances. I veer away from the potpourri section of holiday stores, and I will ::never:: make a soap with dominant notes of patchouli. So when I saw soaper after soaper making super strong floral-scented soaps, I took a 180 and opted for a different kind of scent, which led to a different kind of customer. In the beginning I went with the basics: Cucumber Melon, White Tea & Ginger, and other similar scents. They were fresh, they were light, and they were some of my favorite scents. Except Read More→